vineri, 28 decembrie 2018
joi, 8 noiembrie 2018
Open eTwinning: Project-Based Learning and the Community for Schools in Europe
marți, 24 iulie 2018
marți, 26 iunie 2018
Premiile „Certificatul de Școală eTwinning” 2018 – 2019
eTwinning dorește să felicite cele 1.212 școli premiate cu Certificatul de Școală eTwinning 2018-2019.
Ne face plăcere să vă anunțăm că 1.212 școli au primit Certificatul de Școală eTwinning în urma parcurgerii celor două etape ale procesului de înscriere. Aceste școli premiate sunt deschizătoare de drumuri, fiind recunoscute drept modele în domenii precum:
- practicile digitale
- practicile de siguranță online
- abordările inovatoare și creative ale pedagogiei
- promovarea dezvoltării profesionale continue a cadrelor didactice
- promovarea practicilor de învățare în colaborare în rândul personalului și elevilor
Certificatele reprezintă atât o recunoaștere a reușitei personale a profesorilor, cât și o confirmare a rezultatelor deosebite obținute de întreaga echipă eTwinning din aceste școli.
Pentru a consulta lista integrală a școlilor recompensate, vă invităm să dați clic aici.
vineri, 1 iunie 2018
miercuri, 2 mai 2018
joi, 19 aprilie 2018
marți, 3 aprilie 2018
duminică, 1 aprilie 2018
STEM Discovery Week 2018 is a joint international initiative that invites projects, organisations and schools across Europe and around the world, to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The tagline for this year's campaign "say yes to STEM" describes the partners' open-minded and dedicated support to STEM subjects at school, as well as wide-ranging collaboration among stakeholders in the area.
Interested to become a partner?
By committing to the STEM Discovery Week 2018, the partners agree to:
- Organise and share information about activities in STEM education as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign.
- Encourage third parties to support and join the initiative by organising STEM activities of their own and share information about them as part of the STEM Discovery Week campaign.
- Publish on their web page information in support of the STEM Discovery Week campaign, hence facilitating an active exchange of information among projects, organisations and schools.
For more information on the registration steps that potential partners need to follow, please consult this document here.
STEM Alliance Focus: STEM Careers and Studies for All - Women in STEM
As part of the STEM Discovery Week 2018, STEM Alliance will advocate ‘STEM Careers and Studies for All' with a special focus on Women in STEM. During the campaign, STEM Alliance will showcase how our industry partners are encouraging young women to enter STEM professions.
Stay tuned for more information about our:
1. Visual Info Sheet presenting different ‘Women in STEM'-friendly initiatives from our industry partners
2. Animation video showcasing our partners' initiatives in the area of increasing girls' uptake of STEM careers
3. Webinar with our industry partners open to all policy makers, STEM professionals, teachers and young people! Join us and learn what schemes companies are offering to help get girls into STEM careers. Date to be announced soon.
Are you organising a STEM event around April 2018?
Include it on the map! Participants organising STEM activities in the course of April 2018, may also enter the STEM Discovery Week competitions. Visit the competitions' section for more information here.
STEM Discovery Week activities' map
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